Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Blueberries for Sal

Don't those look yummy! I love blueberry picking (Mostly because it is sooo easy--there are no pricklies involved). Monday I took the girls to this darling little farm to go blueberry picking. I was a little worried (mostly about little A), but overall, they did so good. I was quite pleased.
The girls got their buckets and after a short lesson about which berries to pick (the blue ones) from Ms. V, they were off.T was very focused on the task at hand, A was more into eating the berries, picking the dandelions, and petting the cat. Baby M hung out.and took a little nap.
I couldn't have asked for better weather (middle 70's, my favorite), and better company (some adorable ladies from church). We were out there for about 1 1/2 hours. I was impressed we made it that long. In the end I got 8 pounds, T got 3, and A ended with 1 (Notice the dandelions in every bucket--that was also Ms. A's contribution.)
We had to make a stop at Sonic on the way home for 1/2 price drinks as a reward for working hard (and because I totally forgot to bring water--I don't know what I was thinking.) 4 1/2 pounds were for my neighbors that couldn't come, but I now have a good stash in my freezer. Does anyone have any yummy blueberry recipes they want to share?


s g said...

what a fun day blueberry picking!! my kids don't even like the texture of berries and won't eat them, so I am not sure how they would be at picking them. I have heard about 1/2 price drinks at sonic, sounds like a fun time!

I think Brit has a fabulous recipe for Blueberry, or maybe it was Blackberry cobbler on her blog somewhere...check it out.

brittany said...

what a fun outing. you guys always do the fun stuff. i need to live closer to you so my kids can have activities to participate in!

Babydoll said...

Put fresh blueberries in waffles. YUM! It is so nice to have you back. I was pleasantly surprised to find you had a new blog. Tell S congrats on the tri.

Schmitt Family said...

I miss seeing you at the Library. Where did you end up going? Scott and I go to Sauvie Island each year. I would love to find a place that is closer.
As for recipes, I made berry jam with some of ours last year.

Rebecca said...

I remember picking blueberries as a kid. So fun!