Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Three things

Three quick things so I can go to bed!

First, my new obsession! Leaf blowing! (Clearly, this isn't me:)) On Monday I spent way too long trying to sweep all the wet, matted down layers of leaves off my back deck. My girlfriend lent me her leaf blower and it was MAGIC! Seriously! Within 15 minutes I had all the leaves off my deck AND my cement patio. Then, I went out of control. I can't TELL you how much I love this thing. I do have to take care of my children (feed them, etc..) so I have had to put it down a few times, but Monday I blew leaves until it was so dark I was tripping over things. Tuesday was busy, but today I finished up our back yard (until the big tree by the house drops all its leaves). It is soo fun. The girls love it, as well. Ms. A held on to it with me for about 15 minutes until I couldn't stand it any longer. She gave me her saddest face, but it was still too hard. I did let T blow leaves while I put them in the yard bin. (She did okay, not great, but okay.) Anyway--this is the coolest power tool. I'm thinking we might need to invest. I was sad to return it today.

Second, I had my first stitches incidentLook at that cute face! I ran to the library a little after 4 today. The girls played while I reserved some books on the computer that they didn't have at our little branch. Somehow Ms. M fell right on the corner of one of the tables. I have never seen so much blood. The poor librarians were all in a flutter. I took her into the bathroom to try to clean her up and stop the bleeding, but, as you can tell, she got blood all over--her clothes, my clothes, the carpet (just a little). Thank goodness we are getting a new library. I took her home, cleaned her up a little more, but ended up having to take her to urgent care for stitches. Only three--It was kind of interesting to watch, but I felt so bad for poor little M. The doctor says there will not be a scar--probably.

Last, this last weekend we went home for my parents farewell. They report to the MTC Dec 1st and then off to the Philippines. I think I'm going to be very, very sad come November 28 when they drive away. The farewell talks were very nice. No surprise that I cried, but no one else did. (A few people were a little teary-eyed, which made me feel better.) The weekend, overall, was a little crazy! My job was to watch children. All weekend. My parents moved their stuff downstairs. My sister A and family moved their stuff into my parent's house. My sister E and family moved their stuff into sister A's house. I think I had the easiest job.

One fun thing. I took T, A, and cousin B to the musical "The Twelve Dancing Princesses" Saturday night. It was darling. The girls got to dress up and participate in the princess parade during intermission. Also, it was interesting enough to hold everyone's attention the whole time (even Ms. A). Of course, quote the girls, "It wasn't like the real one." (meaning the Barbie version). Soo sad they think that is the real version. I'll have to work on that.

Getting ready to go in. Hooray for Uncle S who was able to locate all the dress-up amid the chaos of moving.

Learning how to wave like a princess. (Do you like T's boots?:) and A's jeans)

Practicing their wave as they parade around on stage.At the end, the cast comes out so you can ask them questions. Very fun evening.


GustoBones said...

So much to comment on. Yes, a leaf blower is a definite must have!!! I am sorry about M's stitches. J bumped his head a couple of months ago and I was amazed at the amount of blood and it was basically a tiny little cut. I can imagine how much was there for a 3 stitch worthy cut. I am glad that it wasn't more serious. How fun to take 2 of your girls and your niece to the dancing princesses. I bet they had so much fun. I have actually been thinking of taking miss K to see HSM3. Maybe we could gather a group of moms and daughters.

ellen said...

and look, you got it done just before the rain started again. stitches!?! sweet thing! were you on your own for that one?i hope not! glad you had a good time. you will be so blessed for your parent's service just like i am sure they were when you served too. loved the hat on miss B. we need to meet her sometime!

Rebecca said...

I love the leaf blower story.

The princess parade looks like a ton of fun for the girls.

TNS MOM said...

Too cute. Poor ms. M, glad she is okay. Looks like it was a wide rang of emotions for that weekend. What a whirlwind.

Erika said...

I didn't realize your parents left again! Wow! I am sure that was sad to see them off again. And Little M! OUCH!!! That is so sad! My Emery did something similar, but no stitches...poor thing!

Love the pics of the girls in their pretty dresses! I heard the ward party was a smash hit! Loved the update!