Sunday, April 26, 2009

I almost forgot

I almost forgot a very important event the end of February. My sister and brother-in-law and his parents came down to visit--Okay, they actually came down to go to a Brad Paisley concert, but Saturday we got to take B, C, and K while they went to the temple. Cousin B is my Ts favorite person on the planet--even more than her mom (she told me). T made a list of things she and B were going to do. It was really darling. I should have saved it, but I didn't. It included the event and the amount of time they would spend doing each activity. For example, "play with the babies--7 minutes". Some things on the list were "do crafts" ,

and "playing sports outside"We were hoping to fit the zoo in as well, but ran out of time--(and T only scheduled 78 minutes for that, anyway). We did fit in a trip to IKEA--love it! Hopefully, next time they can stay longer:)

1 comment:

Babydoll said...

How cute that she planned out everything to do and gave it a time! What a cute girl you have.